To avoid college applications, I started this blog post like two days ago, and now that I've written the first draft of both essays I feel like I've deserved a little blogging time. I have actually a few posts lined up that I haven't had the chance to get together yet because of all the stress and work I've had to do with these applications, but after this week, they should come up relatively soon since at least that stress will be gone for another month.
Lately I've been feeling major artists block that's been keeping me from posting on here and working in my journal. Taking my own advice from this post that I wrote in response to a question I got on my advice column, I bought myself the "Wreck This Journal" book and have been doing pages of it each day when I would usually go on tumblr. Additionally I've taken everything off my walls in my room and decided to start over. I feel really really refreshed, especially since stopping using tumblr for the week and deleting it from my phone has got me to actual do things instead of just mindlessly spending hours on the internet. Today I met up with Daisy and Hanne, and had dinner with some lovely family friends I haven't seen in a long time (they commented on how big me and my siblings are getting...It's true though, one brother has a beard and the other is taller than my dad now.) Tomorrow I hope I can photograph more of my art for my SAIC application, maybe get a little art done, and edit my essays. Oh, and eat a lovely Thanksgiving meal and see my family.
I think midnight is my prime time. I feel like patting myself on the back for a good day even though I haven't done any college stuff yet. Still, I feel refreshed and motivated to work right now. It feels good. I want to go for a run. I feel like I can get so much done. I wish this would happen at a time when my parents weren't nagging me to get sleep. But I'm a teenager! This is my natural circadian rhythm, it's my body's choice, not mine.
Sorry for the rambling, this blog is becoming increasingly like a diary.
These photos are from an outfit I wore WEEEEEEKKKSSS ago and photos from the Day of the Dead exhibit at the Oakland museum (which is always my favourite).