My friends always ask me, how do you procrastinating so much? What do you even do? and my answer is always the same " know..
Tumblr and Facebook."
I recently got both and have been sooo addicted, which is also part of the reason I haven't been posting here as much. I just don't have time to procrastinate with this when I procrastinate with Tumblr and Facebook so much. Basically I'm procrastinating from my normal modes of procrastination...yeah, the last few weeks have been pretty bad. Anyway, I have about 6 posts lined up for this as well as four outfits I still need to photograph and one drawing I need to color in in photoshop. So I'm gonna try to take some photos of outfits today, edit some photos, work on my drawing in photoshop and do some more of my drivers ed. Basically procrastinating from doing my homework, but I feel like I'm doing something productive in the process..much more productive than stalking people on Facebook/chatting with friends I literally talked to about an hour ago. And it's already 4:30 AUGH! How will I get these things done? SUPER HUMAN POWERS WHICH I TOTALLY POSESS. Let's get this that whole thing where i was gonna do all those things? Yeah, instead I spent all day on facebook/tumblr/
ifunny so I didn't actually get anything done that I said I was going to do. So now this post will have to wait until tomorrow.
Sigh...I have no self motivation.
A few weekends ago (a few days before I shot these photos) I went to the White Elephant Sale in San Francisco. It was AMAZING! I found this pretty much everything worn here there. The sweater, the belt, the bracelet and the bag were all from there. I also bought some old postcards as well as another shirt. All for the low low price of $32. Which, if you think about it, is super cheap for all that I got.
Anyway, school's been crazy with track and also just work, but I'm trying to keep this updated! Sorry for my absence of late...
I had a mini-photo shoot at my grandparents' house this weekend, so that'll come up soon :)