EEK! I just finished applying to college (literally minutes ago)! I'm dying of happiness, I can't even express how much less stressed I feel all of the sudden. (Though waiting for a reply feels like death)
My friends and I are going out tomorrow night (even though it's not in celebration of me finishing my apps, I like to pretend it is, because it's perfect timing) to a nice dinner and I'm going to the White Elephant Sale again, which I'm super excited about since I actually have money this year.
I cut my bangs again a little while ago, which has since proved to be a mistake, but when I first cut them they looked HELLA cute (see below photos for proof). I'm too impulsive eek it's becoming a problem.
Anyway, look how cute these outfits are (not going to be modest, I look hella cute wearing my fuckin adorable skirt, Meadham Kirchhoff socks and jelly shoes, like each of those things are a dream come true. I can't.)
This is a piece for my AP Art Concentration of my friend Natalie (I'm so excited for how the collection is turning out)
This is another piece for my concentration of Eryn. I built this terrarium myself! I, like, cut the glass and soldered it together and everything. Plus I planted the cute af cactuses in it eek
LOOK AT MY DAMN JELLY SHOES ARE THEY NOT THE MOST PERFECT THINGS??? (also my aunt bought me some stuff from the Meadham Kirchhoff/Topshop collaboration and I can't even deal with how perfect it all is, god look at those fuckin' socks)
I did this painting over break, idk there are some things off with it, but I still like it so
My mom sewed all this Robin Sparkles stuff on my jean jacket for when I was Robin for Halloween, and I never took it off cause it's perf
I took these videos of my old journals a while ago, and never posted them here, but they go with this post, so here they are, finally
Another journal video. I forgot how good this journal was until I pulled it out to take this video
Hope you are all having a lovely weekend :)xx