Thursday, December 20, 2012


I was getting dressed the day when I wore this outfit and saw this box on my shelf with a clown on it. It had really cool makeup on so I drew two spikes beneath my eyes and threw on some pointy-ass lips.
Um. yeah...that's all. IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY. And we did holiday-o-grams at school and sang and stuff and it was super fun and I have an A Capella concert in like 2 hours, but I already did all my homework and I have had SOOOO much sugar today jesus. I'm eating like raw top ramen because I can't deal with how much sugar I've had so I needed something sorta bland.
<3 <3 <3 <3

 Mime. Source Unknown. 
Meadham Kirchhoff.  
 Source Unknown. 
 Source Unknown. 
Hannah Beth. Too good. 
 Andy Warhol.  Gristede Supermarket, New York. (1962).
Anyway, just got back from the A Capella concert. It went well, my solo wasn't flat and even though I threw up in my mouth twice before I did it, neither time was onstage and I think that was partly due to the excessive amounts of chocolates/sweets I ate today.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

So these photos are super old; they're from over the summer when my cousin was in town and we we're just hanging out, you know, hipstering it up, being douches (this is my new thing ever since my friend told me that's what we'd do when we hung out), photographing each others outfits. However, I just wore this recently, so I thought it appropriate to make a post about it now.
Now that gig season is in full swing and it's almost break (thank god), naturally all my teachers are PILING on the homework like the assholes that they are (yes, they are all doing this because they hate me personally, okay?) and I've had no time for life or photographing or thinking or sleeping. So consequently my writing/speaking is a bit rusty. Do you ever feel like your brain is so tired that you forget what your point was in the middle of your sentence? Do you do that in the middle of your english class and just end really profoundly in the middle of a thought with ""? Because I feel like I'm doing that everyday now and I'm concerned that my English teacher thinks I'm stupid, insane, or on drugs (though I think I'd prefer anything to the foremost)
So my birthday's coming up and I could not be more excited. I fucking LOVE my birthday. December is my birthday month, okay? Like yeah yeah, Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, birthday? Yep. That's what December is all about. It's kinda cool because this year I actually have school on my birthday. Why on earth is this cool, you ask?, well, now people bring me baked goods, and secretly plan a serenade for me (someone better fucking do this--NATALIE?) and what not. But I also have a freaking TIMED WRITE IN ENGLISH ON THAT DAY...this ruins everything. AND I have an A Capella concert, but that's okay because I have a mini intro solo so it's better. But still, I'm excited for my birthday. And I havea free seventh that day and I get to just hang and I don't have Oklahoma rehearsal after school. I dunno, I'm super annoying about this, but I'm really excited.
Anyway, I'm also excited for holiday-y stuff, like we're singing Holiday-o-grams with Troubs and we go around in classes and dance around in our super festive outfits and sing christmas/holiday music to different classes and it's gonna be awesome.
Sorry that I'm so ramble-y all the time about Christmas and like the Holiday Season and what not, but it's just so exciting! Eeeeek. Do any of you guys do fun stuff for the Holidays? Or any singing (because that is actually half of my life)?

Flower Crown: DIY/Neck Tie: Found/Fluffy Pin: vintage from my aunt/Collared Nude Shirt: American Apparel/Lace Shirt: H&M/Petticoat: Thrifted/Skirt: Jeremy's/Socks: American Apparel/Shoes: Urban Outfitters

Love to all my new followers (jezus this is awesome!)
Happy Holidays, I'll be back soon <3

(All photos from my lovely cousin Ava)

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Meadowlark Peaches

As was mentioned in the last post, I bought a cactus in a can (speaking of which, I should water that probably) and I'm a little unheathly obsessed with it. So much so that when Madeline and I went to the forest together to take photos, I was like "Hm. I think I'll bring my plant-in-a-can" like any other normal person. Anway, one thing that I love about it (which is the reason I bought this specific one) is the can is from 'Meadowlark Peaches', which reminds me of one of my favorite Fleet Foxes songs of all times (can you ever have just ONE favorite Fleet Foxes song?) Meadowlarks (there's a youtube thing at the bottom). The lyrics are actually so beautiful and, as in every Fleet Foxes song, the harmonies are just HEAVEN ON EARTH HOLY SHIT. Next year I am MAKING troubs sing one of their songs because the harmonies are just so heartwarming and beautiful and just gah. I can't express how much Fleet Foxes is the best. Just listen to them on a rainy day while curled up in your bed with your journal/plant in a can and you'll get what I mean.

xx Love you all (oldies and my new followers (HOW DO I HAVE MORE OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU ALL), Maya

Saturday, December 1, 2012


My friend and I hung out and did another photo-shoot in the make-shift studio we set up in her garage. This time we centered it around weird makeup. I'm really pleased with how the photos turned out. I especially love the "you wish" on my eyelids. It was inspired by Cher's "As if!" in Clueless and the girl in Indiana Jones who had "I love you" written on her eyelids.
I don't know what to say right now. Words aren't quite entering my brain in the manner that I would like them to.
New things in my life: I cleaned up my room and am in the process of making it beautiful and not as boring as it is now. I'm starting to make shrines because my shelves are actually PERFECT for shrines, and I think I'll put a couple more shelves on my wall for more shrines. I got rid of a ton of jewelry and craft stuff, and got a cactus in a can and made those candles in jars and two in these gorgeous little tea cups. I dunno, I'm excited also because my birthday's coming up and there are definitely some room things I could use right now. GAHK. I'm just super excited about it all. Also Troubadours is starting to happen (I have my first gig on wednesday) and I've gotten so much better at singing this year which makes me feel way more confident and I know all of the songs that we sing so well and so I'm super excited instead of being nervous.
I'm just generally in a really good place right now, even though school sort of sucks, all my friends are super awesome and I've been hanging out with them a lot more, and I'm making a lot of new friends, which is cool. I dunno, overall this year is turning out to be a lot better than it started. And Christmas time is actually just my favourite time of the year. I cannot express how in love I am with Christmas and just December in general (and not just because it's both my birthday and Christmas), it's just SUCH a good month. I dunno. Maybe I'm just kind of ready for some cold weather after so much hot weather. I have so many sweaters.
But I'm rambling, I'm gonna go for now, but I gained like 10 followers in the last few days so.. HEY GUYS THANK YOU FOR BEING THE BESTEST EVER. (also sorry, I always check out the blogs of people who follow me, but that was SO MANY (ten...) at one time, I'll try to get to all of you though and comment or look at it or whatever <3)

Madeline and I liked all this really weird make-up we'd seen around the interwebs so we decided to try and duplicate some and try our own crazy make-up stuff. Anyway, here's some pictures of the inspiration. (Unfortunately we couldn't get any temporary tattoos, but I asked for some for my birthday, so hopefully pictures will come soon)
 Tunnel Vision Lookbook "In A White Room"
Dixie Leota
Alexa Chung halloween at the Tribeca Grand
 Tunnel Vision Lookbook "In A White Room"

Source Unknown.
Source Unknown. (I think it's from a runway show)
Drawing by Kendra

And last, and not least at all, probably best. Sarah of Nifty Thrifts featured me in her "Bloggers of the Month" for November and I literally love her to death for it. She's the best. Here's a screenshot of what she said. I cannot take how nice it is. It makes me feel all fuzzy inside. gaajlskdjlwirawejra. So much love.