Friday, February 15, 2013

single on valentines day (it's a party)

agh! It's been far too long since I last wrote here. Funny story: I have had 10 hours collectively in the last two days and also sleep is something I've basically not done the past few weeks. I was in the musical and we had our tech weeks last week and the week before and that plus the workload of being a junior is just like no. And then this week is the week before break so I've had like a billion tests/timed writes/track started so I can't photograph anything. Anyway, but enough with my excuses. 
EEk so it's valentines day (well, it was yesterday, but yesterday I had a buttload of annotations/analyzing to do for english so I just took these photos and didn't have time to edit/post them) and just eek. Even though I am single as fuck, I love valentines day. It's an excuse to wear pink on pink on pink and draw hearts on your face and no one looks at you funny (jk eveyone looks funny at me anyway) but still it's beautiful. Also it means my singing group goes around and sings love songs to all them lonely teens. Ugh it's great. Anyway, here are some valentine-y pictures.  


  1. Cool photo set! And i get what you mean about valentines, although I am in a relationship i've always loved the whole cute love hearts and pink and red theme.

  2. Aww! I love these photos! Your dress is super cute!

  3. Omg these are so cute!!! I love your dress + how you edited the photos =^.^=

  4. Awesome! :D

  5. *you disgust me* omg this is adorable!!!!! <3

  6. yeah, you disgust me, i want to stick that on my locker at school.
    these are extraordinarily sweet:) I love that phone and the candy hearts

  7. the um. so like. can you not. one is ABSOLUTELY PERF.

  8. great post! maybe follow each other?
