Saturday, April 20, 2013


Ugh. Even though it's been break all week I've done basically nothing noteworthy. To tell the truth, all I've done is eat food, write nonsensical journal entry, tie-dyeing (and managing to stain my hands), and lastly and mostly watching SO. MUCH. Castle. Literally just sitting on the couch, stuffing my face, watching episode after episode of Castle.
Anyway, it's very very addicting haha. But today I worked on my AP art concentration idea and I just got so inspired by the colour schemes on my tumblr so I put it all together. Sorry I don't have anything that I've made, as I said, I've been swamped...sort of...
I promise cool posts soon!
Parker Fitzgerald 
Ice Cream in Spring
 The Pulp Zine
Sara Cwynar
Accidental Archives

 Caroline Mackintosh 
 Source Unknown
 Erica Schreiner
 Stephanie Lavaggi
 a shoot on Rookie (couldn't find it! Someone help me?)
 Source Unknown
Stephanie Gonot
 Source Unknown (this is my favourite picture of all time)
Andreas Schimanski


  1. MAYYYYAAAAA, I totally get what your saying! Every time I'm on break I feel so tired and lazy and I actually feel more motivated during a school day than I do on mid-school breaks?? Anyways, your inspo is KILLING ME. It's so perfect and summery and ~mystical~. ALSO, that Rookie shoot (one of my all time faves, uuuuugh) is called All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go. Here's the link:

  2. super sweet inspiration photos - love them all <3
    would you like to follow each other?

  3. I'm on my school break as well and like you have done nothing productive at all! I literally have been reading (slowly), eating (too much), going on blogs and tumblr and yeah that's it. Meanwhile, I have SO much homework that awaits me and friends I should probably see. Oh well, it's fun doing nothing, just feels like my time could be so much more well spent. I love all of those pictures you posted ahhhh :)

    Please check out my blog, it's new
